Available Reports

Enriched Reports is a growing set of interactive reports that lets districts and schools take a deep dive into their data.

Note: Enriched Reports is only available for US-based Follett Destiny Cloud customers.

The following reports are available:

  • Library (for Destiny Library Manager users)
    • Library > Collection Analysis: This district- and site-level report lets you view the number of items in your library collection; items per student; and the balance of fiction vs. non-fiction and other materials, and between print and non-print materials. View the average age and total number of titles in a Dewey range, as well as items older than three years.
    • Library > Circulations: This district-level report lets you see circulations broken down by checkouts, in-library use, and renewals for the past 10 years.
    • Library > Discover Content Usage: This district- and site-level report lets you view the number of user devices visiting Destiny Discover, searches performed, checkouts completed, and holds placed for Follett eBooks and Audiobooks.
    • Library > Discover User Engagement: This site-level report lets users view the number of user devices visiting Destiny Discover for Follett eBooks and Audiobooks, as well as the overall and monthly average of time spent during the visit.
    • Library > Digital Titles and Copies: This site-level report lets users view information about Follett eBooks and Audiobooks, such as the number owned by the site and district, as well as their title, ISBN, and publisher.
  • Resource (for Destiny Resource Manager users)
    • Resource > 1:1 Resource Checkouts: This district- and site-level report helps you manage your resource distribution and deployment. You can view the total number of patrons with none, one, or multiple items checked out for 1:1 devices and other resources. Filter data to show a specific resource type, or drill through to see the specific items checked out or patrons with none, one, or multiple items checked out.
    • Resource > Lost or Stolen: This district- and site-level report lets you view the total number of lost and/or stolen items, the percentage of the replacement price versus the purchase price, the total cost of the items lost/stolen, and whether the items were lost by the patron, during inventory, or stolen. Drill through to see some of the fields from the record of a specific item that was lost or stolen.
    • Resource > Resource Counts: This district- and site-level report is a quick way for you to see the total items by resource type, and the number of items with a particular status. View items acquired during a date range or of a specific resource type. Drill through to see fields from the item records for all items with a particular status.
    • Resource > Circulation Events: This district-level report lets you see the total number of resource items checked out, checked in, lost, stolen, and found by resource type and site.